Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ABC Wedenesday Letter S

S is for sisters. I have two.

My brothers were both older than me; my sisters are both younger. I was not yet three when Priscilla came along just before Christmas in 1966. Rachel arrived two years later well before Thanksgiving. While I remember Mom being pregnant with Rachel, my memories of Priscilla's arrival are a bit more hazy. In any case we all had a lot of fun together as children. We played dolls and Fisher Price, rode bicycles, and played in the woods. Mom and Dad took us camping, read us stories, and drew with us around the table on cold winter evenings. They have been there through the good times and the terrible and I don't know what I would ever do without them. This week I am thankful for many things. One of the big ones is my sisters.

To see the other participants in the new round of ABC Wednesday, click here!


  1. Yeah for Sisters... I only have one, but our three daughters are really good friends and enjoy sisterhood!

    That is a really cute picture of all of you!!

  2. I too have two sister, both younger, tho no brothers at all. In our 50s, we get along quite well; before that, it depended...

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Happy Thanksgiving girls! What a wonderful picture!

  4. That's a lovely picture. I have one half sister... she is ten years older than me and we're very very different people...

  5. Thanks, Mart. I just found this. I am a little late catching up on blog reading.
