Saturday, April 03, 2010


It is 20 minutes til five on April 3 and the temperature is 86 degrees? My snowdrops have melted, my crocus are crumpled, and my daffodils are blossoming like crazy. Every time I look out another one is in bloom. I only hope my dear daughter in law delivers as quickly as these pretty flowers. She is due on April 22. (Did you know I was going to be a grandma again?)

As much as I love summer, I would like a chance to enjoy spring. I will be happy tomorrow. The high temperature is forecast to be 62. We don't want to rush through spring too fast. (86! No wonder I feel like I'm melting!) It will be terribly disappointing when the temperatures return to normal. (What IS normal anyway? Does anybody really know?)

Yesterday I went grocery shopping. It was in the eighties and there was a sign by the produce saying that because of unseasonable cold temperatures in California, Texas, and Florida produce prices have skyrocketed out of control. (Okay, so that's not exactly what it said...) I opted not to buy too many salad fixings; no tomatoes or bell peppers, just leaves and a cucumber.


  1. We are in a cold spell down here. Windy and chilly so I believe it. Your flowers look lovely.

  2. Your flowers are a perfect Easter Gift to you!
