Thursday, October 12, 2006

A New Alarm Clock

This morning I woke up to the sound of bagpipes. I knew immediately it wasn't the rapture. That should come with the sound of trumpets. So anyway,I jumped out of bed and looked out the window in time to see two elvish women dancing a jig in my driveway! My wonderful mother in law and my dear husband's sister have arrived from Nova Scotia. Okay, they weren't exactly dancing a jig... Actually, Lee Anne said she was plugging her ears. Maybe she doesn't care for loud bagpipe playing?


  1. Neat! I guess you'll have a BUSY next couple of weeks with family! I hope you have a good time.

  2. Somehow I really can picture your mother-in-law playing the bagpipes and dancing a jig. She is quite eccentric. I wish I were a little bit more.

  3. By the way, I probably should explain that the loud bagpipe playing was on a tape that was playing on the car radio. Grandmaita doesn't actually play the bagpipes herself. :)

  4. Hi Y'all...well now..looks like folks have been talking about us elfin women...well let me tell you, it took some time to get like this and all the energy I could muster and then some with some left over, to be me...and you know what! I really kinda like who I am...eccentric..okay, maybe, a compared to...well nevermind...however it shor is fun being me and trying to figure out a little tiny bit (okay and sometimes a bit more than that)what safe and fun mischif we could get ourselves in every day...(whoooops...Ben, just informed me I spelld sometin rong...well now...I canttt have that now can see...not only can you wear purple when you get can take all you learned in life and do with it what you will...and I do and thats is why I am me...and you are you and don't we all (okay okay, speaking for myself)I love everyone just the way they turn out...we will attempt to improve certain things that will stick and should...but some other things we can...ummm play with...and when someone suggests that I should"grow up"...h hmmmm...maybe not...unless I want to...anyway...I think you, Priscilla, are really neat just the way you are...and you certainly, like Martha, have produced such amazing little children...and oh so much more...Love and big hugs and tender pinches on your little NY rosie cheekes'es(thats for Ben with a warning...only after your 65 can you start elaborating on the proper spellings of things...okay..bud!...Alright...see I told you Martha, that I should never be allowed to write I get caughter right up in a book or two....more hugs...and lottsa love to the best family New York has ever produced...ours!...Gramanita
