Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Eggs For Sale

Today was another gorgeous day. We haven't yet gone for a walk but I am still thinking about going.

I did this painting a year or so ago and sent it to my sister in law in New Mexico. I love doing these kind of pictures, they're so warm and full of color. They make me miss the days of visiting my great uncles and friends who lived on farms. Maybe that's why I still look around at what the Lord has blessed us with and continue to be amazed. It is a farm of sorts, minus the animals, complete with barns and apple trees. The first year we were here we had a pair of Muskovy ducks wandering around the backyard. They always made me smile. Sometimes I wish for some more ducks or maybe a few chickens or goats to make it even more farm-like here. I never really lived on a farm, but deep down inside I am a country girl. I can imagine the loft of this barn full of sweet smelling hay with kittens hiding in it. Cows are in the stalls waiting for the farmer to milk them and over there in that building to the side are the goats. They're the kind that chew on your shirt when you come out to visit them. Around the back is the hen house complete with a rooster or two to wake you up in the morning. Well, I think it sounds like fun anyway...


  1. The ducks made you smile... except when they pooped on the porch. Yuck!

    PS. Michelle D says hello

  2. What ever happened to your ducks? Did Jas have duck for dinner one night?

    I had a nasty dream this morning about a rooster in my car in the passenger seat. I don't know where the rooster came from, but I was really nervous it was going to poop on the seat so I tried putting a newspaper under it. Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough. The rooster not only pooped, but ended up spraying me in the hair and face (in the driver's seat) with it. Very strange dream, see Jon, I'm not quite normal either.

  3. It sounds like fun, until you are obligated to do all the work that comes with it.

  4. Yeah... I agree with Priscilla - it all sounds wonderful until you are the one getting up at 5 AM EVERY morning to milk the cows! :) I know I'm not cut out for that.

  5. Last comment... The ducks were hysterical!! Maybe we should hatch some more! Brett would KILL ME!!!! The last time I hatched ducks and PROMISED to take care of them I ran off to Florida with someone I know. And well... He was left to make sure that they were rotated and sprayed and well taken care of cuz his nutty wife was so concerned about her eggs that she actually prayed over them EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!

  6. Thanks Shelly. Once I get into painting (like the pottery) it's fun. It's just that I don't usually make myself sit down and start.
