Friday, February 03, 2012

No Snow

It has been a winter without snow. In fact, for the most part, it has been a winter without freezing cold temperatures. It's been somewhat hard to believe it is actually winter, and even harder to believe we could get a blizzard any day now... not that there are any in the forecast. Waiting at the bus stop has been almost pleasant and the snow shovel has had extremely little exercise. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I do get a little excited when the snow starts to fall.


  1. This winter has been a gift from God to me. Well. I wouldn't be so bold as to claim He altered routine weather patterns for me. But I have certainly been blessed by it this year. I don't assume it will be like this forever more. And we may pay for it with a lousy wet summer. But I am so grateful for this winter. It has allowed us to come and go so much more freely.
    AND - it's not over yet. He likely has a humdinger of a storm on the books for us, yet. :)

  2. It sure does make getting the wheelchair around outside so much easier:-) I do love seeing the snow, too, though.

  3. It's interesting that you are having a mild winter. We, in Australia, are having an extremely mild summer. Usually we have temps up around 40C. This year we've been struggling to reach 30C. And now we're in our second flood for the season, which is a bit of a change for us, although locals tell us that it didn't used to be that unusual. I can't say I'm hating it though - there's not a lot of fun to be had in sweltering heat.
