Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Signs of Spring

It's a warm spring day! The wind is blowing like crazy, but I did go outside to see if I could find anything interesting. My hair was swirled around my head and the ground was wet and soggy. The grass is looking dead, but I know that soon it will turn bright green and everything will be looking fresh and new instead of old and brown.
The little birds are busy and the flowers are pushing their way up out of the ground. Soon there will be bright splashes of color and flowers will be smiling in my gardens. Another sign of spring? Deer. Joe had one jump in front of his truck on his way home last night. I haven't seen the truck but I hear the deer didn't fare too well.


  1. And Joe is ok. Carletta has been posting lots of deer pictures. I am excited about you getting spring, you always take great shots of birds nests, ducklings, field trip finds. Yeah, looking forward to another spring with you.

  2. I just love spring. I've been walking to pick my son up from kindergarten because the weather is so nice right now.

  3. Brian told me about joe. Glad he's okay!!!!

  4. Great Pictures ~~ love the first one...it's perfect sign of Spring.

  5. Hooray for spring!

    Didn't Joe hit a deer in the fall too? He's worse than me, at least I waited 10 years til I hit my second one.
