Friday, March 10, 2006

The Not-So-Sunshiney Day

This morning I woke up to sunshine and the seeming promise of a beautiful day, but surprise! the wind is blowing in some dark cluods and I think it's going to rain too. Such is the marvelous month of March. It is full of surprises.

This morning Ben and I will be headed out to the eye doctor in Sodus to have our glasses fixed. He needs a new stem and I lost the teeny, tiny screw that holds the lense in for my left eye. I am currently typing with one eye closed as my vision is thrown off by only having a glass for my right eye, This is how I used to read all the time before I got glasses. It wasn't much fun and it gave me a headache.

Bethany's and Shelly's blogs have inspired me to add a warm weather photo, a flower playing Peek-a-Boo! Have you ever seen such a thing?


  1. It does look like it's playing peek-a-boo. It reminds me of all the baby games I used to play with the kids. Sometimes I miss those days.

  2. Me too. I'm actually looking forward to grandchildren some day.

  3. I think that I planted those beautiful flowers in the same garden that I am looking at on my blog...
