Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Beautiful Baby Blues

Bethany and Josh came over to spend a few hours at Grandma's house this afternoon. Josh is growing so fast and he changes from week to week. He knows us now and always smiles when we talk to him. He doesn't appear to prefer one of us over another (aside from Mommy, of course), instead he just has fun with everyone. He plays with his hands and is starting to reach for things too. He tried some new foods this week and has decided that eating is a whole lot of fun. The sad part is when its gone and then he cries broken heartedly.

Oh yes, Molly came over too. She always looks for a treat when she comes in the door. Grandma's are always good for a cookie or two and in Molly's case they come in the form of a dog biscuit. She remembered to bring her supper along and ate with Jasmine. She likes eating here because I add just a tiny bit of canned food to the dry stuff. Unfortunately, once she is done with eating, she is usually ready to go home and will ask to go outside about a hundred times or so.

Bethany is headed home now and I can hear the icy rain against my window panes. Soon she will be safe and warm in her own little house. The threat of ice build up goes through tonight to tomorrow morning. It may be a different world when we wake up in the morning...


  1. Thanks Nixter! I think so too! We made it home safely and found Adam waiting for us. I was glad he was there to open the door for me :) Josh and I enjoyed our visit this evening (at least I did).

  2. He is absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe how much he has grown! What a precious bundle.

  3. Yep, he is a cutie. Martha, you are starting to sound like a grandma, Cookies! They all expect grandmas to have cookies, even the dogs :)

  4. Don't you just want to eat him up?
    He is sooo cute!

  5. He's got some boogies in his nose, if you look close. Boy is he cute!

  6. You're so lucky to have your grandchild close by! Mine is a 5 hour drive away, and I haven't seen him since he was born in November. Poor me!
