Thursday, January 10, 2008

Learning the Hard Way

Have you ever had God whisper in your ear and brushed off that still small voice? Did you kind of know deep inside it was Him but somehow told yourself it wasn't? Sometimes I think it would be easier if God spoke as a clanging symbol, and I'm sure He does once in a while, but more often He speaks softly.
I was so relieved to see Jasmine home and safe Sunday afternoon that I decided to give her a treat, a couple of venison bones. Being part pit bull or something, she does a pretty good job of chomping up what would take most dogs hours and had hers literally eaten up rather quickly. By Tuesday evening it became evident that Jazz was not feeling well. When she stood on her feet, she kept her back all curled up and moved with great difficulty. She had a pained look in her eyes and later would cry when we tried to move her.
Here my mind started to spin backward, back to that little thought that ran through my mind when I gave her the bone. "Maybe this isn't a good idea. That bone has some sharp spots. It could be bad for the dog." I brushed them off. "She's had bones before. Sometimes I don't even know where she got them. She'll be fine." And so I had given her the bone anyway. Now my dog was in pain and it was my fault. I didn't sleep very good that night.
Yesterday we took Jasmine to the vet. They did an x ray. The bad news: she does have a piece of bone in her small intestine and it definitely has been causing her pain. The good news: it looks small enough that she should be able to pass it in a couple of days. Dr. B said to keep her calm and make sure she is eating. As long as she eats, the bone fragment will keep moving along. The other good news: she is acting much better today.


  1. Glad she is acting better today. I've brushed off still small voices before too. It's hard to know sometimes whether it's just you or God is trying to tell you something. I think I'll leave Molly home today when I come over, unless you think Jazz would be okay with her there.

  2. never give a dog venison bones!!

  3. From now on I'll leave her to find her own venison bones,... out in the orchard.

  4. It seems that Jasmine has been causing a lot of commotion lately!

  5. Poor Jazz. I'm so glad to hear she's feeling better today. I gave up on giving any of our dogs bones when it gave our old dog, Josh, such horrendous diarrhea all over the carpet at our old house.

  6. Poor Jazz. Hard times for the old girl huh?

  7. I get that voice and it is usually right. Glad your doggie is feeling better today.

  8. Jasmine is hitting the headlines these days. Sometimes I want to give Molly "people" food, but every time I give in and do, she seems to not handle it well. She gets dry dog food, and her little bacon pet treats. Then she does well.
    Usually big dogs can handle real food.

  9. I heard that little voice when I set up that ladder that I ended up falling off of, breaking my ankle.

  10. Oh those dogs!
    And Yes, I know exactly what you mean! We should never ignore that small voice....I unfortunately do, too, sometimes. Never a good idea!!
    I hope she feels 100 % soon.

  11. Oh yes, if we could only notice that quiet voice more often. Easier said than done, of course.
    Glad Jasmine is okay.

  12. What have you done to my dog? Shame on you!

  13. Ah, poor thing. I hope she feels better soon.
