Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I think I am actually beginning to recover from all the stress and busyness of the holidays. Behind me are Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping, Christmas day, a birthday celebration, New Year's, and a New Jersey wedding. Ahead of me... well, maybe I'll just not think too much about it.

I thoroughly enjoyed the trip down to South Jersey and back with my daughter. I loved seeing our friends and totally loved the wedding too. I also found out that South Jersey is a rather nice place with lots of old farms and open space. Maybe some day I will go back again, when things aren't quite so rushed, and take a look around. I'm sure there is a ton of history and a bunch of great places to see. I wish we had more time to roam about taking pictures, but we had a long drive ahead of us and didn't want to worry our men. We did take an hour or so to stop in Binghamton, NY and say hello to Bethany's friends, Stephanie and Stephen, and then grab a quick bite to eat before continuing home. We were blessed with good weather along the way.

James came to pick me up at Beth's house and on the way home said he had "potentially bad news". Seems the boys had let Jasmine out of the house around 9:30 am and she hadn't returned. They went out looking around the yard and called for her but she was nowhere to be found. Gunshots from hunters or target practice pretty much keep us out of the apple trees at this time of year. Somewhere around 9:30 pm James and I went out to look in the orchard. It was dark, rainy and the snow was melting fast making it hard to tell which tracks were which or how old they were. We came back disappointed and somewhat worried. My biggest fear was that she was injured and unable to get home. How does a three-legged dog get about if she hurts a leg? We wondered if she had been shot or hit by a car but had no way to know. Of course I was already tired from our trip and spent a restless night thinking about our dog. We went to church Sunday morning still unsure of her whereabouts but were relieved to find her home when we returned a few hours later. She was dry, trembly, and smelled of cigarette smoke but refused to tell us where she had been.


  1. I felt the same way about South Jersey back when John and I were there for a visit. I love the area where they live. The suburb life,but yet not too far is open space like you said. I wanted to move there after we visited instead of NC. Still no snow, but closer to NY than NC. John said we could never have the house there like we do here. I guess there are perks to living in NY afterall!

  2. I'm glad you and Bethany enjoyed your trip!

    Jazz smelled like cigarette smoke? I wonder if someone was holding her against her will. Well, I'm glad you got her back! Don't you wish she could talk?

  3. I'm so glad you found Jasmine safe and sound. I was so worried through that whole story while I was reading!

    Do come to NJ again. It is a nice place. We have nice open spaces where we live. Plus, there's all of the history in Philadelphia which is really cool!

  4. Oh your trip sounds wonderful, and I loved the picture of the farm.

    As far as your dog story...my goodness what an ordeal. So glad Jasmine is back home....Haven't you had that talk about smoking with her and how harmful it is!!

    Yes, I wish our animals could talk!!

  5. I'm glad she is home, Dog napped I'm sure! .... or the brazen hussy went out on the town... or ran off with some traveling rover... Glad she is safe again. Yep NJ has some quaint spots.

  6. It sounds like a wonderful trip! I hope Jasmine doesn't give you any more scares like that.

  7. Glad you and Jasmine are all home safe and sound. Cigarette smoke--definitely suspicious, but the world may never know.

  8. Oh my goodness, I am glad your dog made it home again!! I would have been so worried....I love my dog and I am sure you do, too!. She was gone a long time, ... bad girl!!!
    I am glad you had a good time at the wedding. The photos look great.

  9. My theory is she went to the bar and smoked, was there too late, and fell asleep on the way home.

  10. I'm glad she's ok! Tell her to stay awy from the riff raff!
