Saturday, January 12, 2008

Friday Flashback!

(Yes, I know it's Saturday...)

I must be about six years old here, maybe seven. I only wore glasses for about a year, mostly during the end of kindergarten and through first grade. Priscilla wanted to wear glasses too.


  1. That is an adorable picture! Cheney wore glasses for about a year, too at the same age.

  2. LOL! I currently wear a nightgown almost the same as Pricilla's!

  3. Thanks for visiting and saying hello. It's fun to look back at the old pictures, isn't it? You were a cutey :)
    I'm so glad your Jasmine came home and that the bone was small enough to pass! What a worry! Too bad she couldn't tell you where she'd been. Hope she wasn't off smoking cigarettes with riff raff :)
    Our house kitty has the same name!

  4. Are those glasses upside down?

  5. I wanted to be just like my big sister!!!!!! LOL!

  6. You girls are adorable, glasses and all!! I had to start wearing glasses in Jr. High, then when I got to college and got my first paycheck...bought Contacts and been wearing them since.

  7. You're both so cute! How is it that you only needed glasses for a year??? I am the only one in my family who doesn't need glasses and I wanted them too.

  8. Tracy, I had surgery for a crossed eye (they used to do that) but also had a lazy eye. All I can recall is that the dr wanted to make sure my eyes were doing the work instead of letting the glasses do it. I had 20/20 vision for most of my life. Thank you Dr. Lerner!
