Monday, March 05, 2007

Picnic Anyone?

How about a snow cone? Ice cream cake? Baked Alaska? Anyone for Italian Ice?


  1. How 'bout snow icecream? Jessi's dying to try it - I haven't made it since Brian and Heather were pretty little so she's never had it before.

  2. And it's NASTY OUT THERE!!!!

  3. I remember snow ice cream. I don't think it necessarily tasted that great. But it was sure fun to make it.

  4. Yeah, the wind is really whipping around. A good night (and day) to stay in the house!

    I've never has snow ice cream either.

  5. Italian ice sounds good...wait a minute...I don't want any of that "lemon" Italian ice near one of those table legs.

  6. I remember eating snow when I was a kid. I think I just ate it plain, and it HAD to be clean. I ate paper too. But it couldn't have lines on it.

  7. I love Italian Ice. I used to eat it a lot when I lived in Delaware and NYC. Yummy! I didn't technically live in NYC but I stayed there for a few weeks.

  8. Can we just use the snow on the table to chill the watermelon I keep dreaming of?

  9. The last thing my mom always told us before we left to go skiing was, "remember, don't eat yellow snow!"

    Ha ha ha ha ha! I love that joke. :o)

  10. Cold watermelon sounds wonderful! Let's do that.
