Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Marching On

It's been a very cold week so far, colder than "normal" they say, whatever that means. What is normal? I think that means "average". They take all the temperature readings, put them into a pot, stir them up, and see what the "normal" temperature is. It's kind of like adding either hot or cold water to the bathtub and coming up with something comfortable to soak in. When the weatherman says its "unseasonably hot" or "unseasonably cold" (especially within a few days time) I take it with a grain of salt. Its cold today but in a day or two... who knows!
Those crocuses and daffodils can't be too far off, afterall on Saturday night we change the clocks and that is a sure sign of spring...


  1. Unfortunately I didn't make it through the winter without sliding on the snowy road and damaging my car. (see my blog for pic) It's supposed to be rainy and 40 on Saturday...spring like!

  2. I agree... time for some WARM weather! :)

  3. Such a cute cat. I this one of yours?

  4. Ya know, the more I look at this cat, and if Oreo is doing what I think it is doing, I kinda admire it, freezing your tushka in the snow is brave!

  5. At this particular moment he was just sitting in the driveway watching us, but... these cats are brave and they normally "do their thing" outside.

  6. NOW thats the way to have a cat, I think the cat box thing is what turned me off to cats.
