Saturday, August 19, 2006

Do Flowers Pray?

Prayer changes things, especially our hearts and attitudes. When I really started praying several years ago, I never dreamed there was so much gunk buried deep inside of me, I just knew there were times when I felt really yucky and wasn't sure why. I prayed that God would scrape out those dirty corners of my heart and make me clean, that he would pry open my clenched fist and take away those things I held so tightly but couldn't seem to let go. It was a teary, painful process which isn't yet finished, but at least the work has begun. Why do I hold on so fiercely to ideas, attitudes, and actions that only hurt me or those I love? I'm so glad Christ died to pay the penalty for my sin and that He rose again so that I can have new life in Him! I am a work in progress; as long as I am willing, He can mold and shape my life to honor Him.


  1. Amen to that! I am happy to say that I am also a work in progress! This reminds me of the clay on the potter's wheel illustration we were talking about yesterday.

  2. Ditto! You've said it all! How can I add to such wisdom!
