Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Birthday Girl

Today is my mom's birthday and tomorrow we will celebrate with a birthday lunch. Sad to say, I did not wish her a Happy Birthday today as I have been so distracted with getting ready for tomorrow. I hope she will forgive me.

One of the most special things about my mom is her love for children, both her own and others. For many, many years her house was bustling with activity. She babysat full time until just six years ago. She played with the kids, read stories to them, kissed their "boo boos", and loved them. She is a wonderful example of Jesus to me.

Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you.


  1. I love you mom! I did a thirteen things about my mom post, but when I hit "publish" something happened and it never showed up. It was GONE, so I never redid it. Boohoo!! Also I couldn't scan an old photo of her because the scanner isn't hooked up.

  2. I love her too... But she's my Grand-mommy :)
