Monday, April 28, 2014

Time Out

I didn't do much blogging last week and left a bit of a hole in my usual routine. Guess that happens sometimes.

Today I took Hannah out to babysit for a couple hours at Bethany's house. While she was there I took the opportunity to spend some time alone. I drove down to the Webster side of the Irondequoit Bay outlet, past the spot where the firefighters were ambushed in December of 2012. Most of the empty burned out lots have brand new houses being constructed. Only the Spengler lot remains empty and it is so small that over time it will not even be known as an "empty lot" at all. There is no way to drive that little stretch of road without remembering that fateful morning.

I found a parking spot on the lake side away from the construction area, but the view of the water was blocked by houses. There is better parking on the west side where we normally feed the birds, but at this time of year getting there requires a long drive over the bay bridge and down through Irondequoit back to the lake again. The sun was warm and I had taken my Bible and a Max Lucado book along with me. I had two hours to spend so I read Ephesian 4 and 5, and then turned to the book, "The Next Door Savior". At one point I got sleepy and dozed off eventually finding that my mouth was hanging open. Thankfully there were only a few people wandering about down there and all of them passed being my vehicle.

Didn't get much accomplished at home, but I did do two loads of laundry and straighten up the couch. And, I managed to make something for dinner too. Guess that counts for something.


  1. Beautiful pictures! And good for you taking a little time away! Hope you didn't drool on your book. haha.
    And yes, I think laundry and dinner count for quite a lot!

    1. The lighthouse picture is borrowed and the other one is old, but I hate blogging without photos.
      I didn't notice any drool....

  2. Laundry and dinner are 2 BIGGIES in my books!
    Nice to have some time to yourself♥️
    Linda :o)

    ps....I commented on the poop post..what happened?

    1. Um, well.... It's in my list of posts, but I reverted it back to a draft. Didn't think I wanted it on the top of my list. Maybe I'll put it back now... or maybe not.
