Saturday, December 17, 2011


December has gone terribly wrong this year...

I think maybe I need someone to come over and make cutout Christmas cookies with me... on Wednesday.


  1. I've heard this from several bloggers...What's going on!! Is that why my Toffee didn't set up??? Haven't made the coffee cake yet, but put nibbling at the nuggets of toffee mix waiting for the coffee cake. It looks bad, but it sure tastes good.

    Hoping the rest of your December is better!

  2. Is true Im exausted and Christmas is here (lol) but many things make me smile:) I love Charlie Brown:)

  3. Yes, Bethany, and for that I am grateful.

    Wanda, sometimes life spirals out of control. It just shouldn't happen at Christmas. :(

  4. I'll come over and bake cookies...then let's eat them all and vent over coffee. lol....

  5. I'll be looking for you, Betsy. It's a long drive but you should be able to make it in a day. I'll have the dough ready and the cookies baked, at least partially. :)

  6. It is grief, Stacy. What a sad Christmas this is.
