Tuesday, June 28, 2011

X is for eXtra

X is for eXtra; eXtra hot!

For several years now I have attempted to grow chile peppers. (See "P is for Pepper") Though the tags always say they will grow long and thick, they have typically ended up short and skinny, not near big enough to roast on the grill like I hoped, and hotter than hot! Maybe I have finally gotten the good ones this year. So far I see only two peppers which is a rather slim crop, but they look to be a better size and I am hopeful that others will appear as the summer progresses.

To see the other participants in the new round of ABC Wednesday, click here!


  1. not my favorite thing to consume, but good choice.

    - ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Clever choice and they look like they might be perfect. Enjoy!

  3. My tummy can't handle "hot" peppers, so I stick with sweet bell peppers.

    All the rest of my family would LOVE your hot chili peppers.

  4. may be you bought the HOT time which I like as a condiment.

  5. Good luck with the peppers. My daughter LOVES them Xtra hot!

  6. I love hot and spicy! My Taylor and I are the only ones that do in our family. We love it when it's so hot out tongues are numb! ha. Your peppers look very promising there!

  7. eXcellent choice!

    Please come and find out what the Letter X is at my page. Have a lovely day.
