Saturday, July 24, 2010

Loving Mom

He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.
Proverbs 18:22

I can only imagine what is must be like to observe that first wedding anniversary alone. If the day is on my mind and my heart is hurting, my mom must ache deep within also. She does not vocalize her grief except to say, "It went so fast."

She called this morning to thank me for the flowers. My phone was dead, but the answering machine picked up and I heard her voice on the other end of the line. I felt helpless when I picked up the receiver and found it silent. Good thing I was headed to Webster anyway.


  1. What a hard day for everyone. The flowers and yellow watering can are lovely.

    BTW MorningAJ has already finished her blueberries....She's fast!

  2. I know just how you feel. When my father in law died, we did not know what to do for my husband's mom when her anniversary came round. It's a bit easier now that it's been a few years. My sisters in law take her out to dinner and they talk about their dad/husband.

  3. Your post is precious. I can agree since in the last few months I must have said, "Where did it go?" a hundred times.

    Beautiful flowers. You are a sweet daughter.

  4. The flowers are just beautiful! Hope she had happy memories!
    "It went so fast" ..what a lovely thing to say..and a compliment to your dad. :)

  5. Wanda, it has been an emotional week for me, it must be for Mom too.

    Kristen, I think taking Mom out to dinner in years to come is a wonderful idea!

    Joy! My goodness, I wondered where in the world you went. I've missed you! I hope you're feeling well.

    Betsy, I think all of life is going by too fast. Somebody sped things up and there seems to be no slowing it down.
