Saturday, July 03, 2010

Inside the Fort

It is difficult to imagine what our forefathers endured in the fight for independence. I tried to imagine life inside a fort but find myself with only a romanticized vision. Yesterday was nothing short of peaceful; blue skies, warm temperatures, and smiling faces.

We climbed the ramparts and walked along the top of the fort. We descended the stone steps into the cool, dark chambers of the casements. There were no guns or cannons firing and the floors had been swept clean. Some areas of the cavern were pitch black making us wish we had brought a flashlight along, but there were no wounded men, no shivering cold, no spider webs, and no rats hiding in the shadows.

My favorite part was the top of the rampart. I think I could spend a bit of time just sitting up there in the grass, soaking up the sunshine and looking over the lake. I've seen a tall ship sailing in and now I need to find a good book on the War of 1812.


  1. Martha ~~ to live where history was made is amazing. We just don't have that in CA.

    Love your last picture... priceless.

  2. Ok, not so fat in these pictures. :) I had lots of fun out with you guys and exploring the fort was so cool. I'm glad we could go down in the casements (basements). Where are we going next time?

  3. I love the bottom picture of Bethany Ann and Josh!! Beautiful!! Isn't it so fantastic that your grandchildren and children are close enough to go on field trips with you? :-)

  4. It is! I enjoyed our trip immensely.
