Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Dave stopped by this morning and I asked if Grandma's hearing aide had been found. "Yes," he said, "I found it outside in the driveway." For a moment I feared it had been run over by a car, but he said it was safe. Seems Grandma took the recycling box out yesterday afternoon. She set it by the trash cans so Dave could take it to the street today. Somehow that little device must have been attached to her clothing and fell off when she went outside. Lucas has been exonerated! I am relieved.


  1. Oh, so glad it was found! God knew right where it was and He didn't let it rain last night either. What a good God. :)

  2. I thought the same thing about the rain, Bethany.
    I'm so glad Lukie was exonerated. :)

  3. Awww...that's great...cause he's too cute to be a thief! ha.

  4. He still has a cute mug shot though!

  5. Poor Grandma, all is well that ends well.

  6. Whew!! I am so glad. I would hate to see Lucas sent to the "big house" so young;-) I am glad your Mom has her hearing aide back.

  7. OH, so glad a life of crime is not ahead for him.

    Glad the hearing aid was not damaged.

    Sounds like a win-win day!

  8. Heather, you always make me smile. :)
