Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wishful Thinking

We went out to Priscilla and Jamie's house this afternoon and stayed for dinner. Sherman watched in fascination while Priscilla prepared some very yummy Bruschetta; little slices of bread with cheese and tomatoes which she toasted in the oven. I just may have to try this at home some day, just to impress myself.


  1. There's always a chance that I might drop something...he's learned that over the years.

  2. Oh one of my favorite snacks.

    I love to add brie as the cheese, and Trader Joe's has some wonderful tomato brochette.

    Molly always waits for me to drop something....

  3. We made that yesterday. One of my favorites!

  4. He looks SO intent..just waiting for permission ...or a nibble! ha.
