Thursday, November 30, 2006

Another Christmas Past (1982)

This was our little guy in 1982. We went up to Crystal Beach, Ontario to spend some time with Grandmanita for the holiday and Jimmy got a stocking. I have no clue any more what was in there but he sure looks happy. My kids all love the Christmas stocking tradition and would be so disappointed if they didn't find one hanging there for them on Christmas morning. Good thing oranges take up alot of space and candy is fairly cheap! Stuffing nine (we have two kids married) stockings can get expensive. Does anyone out there have any wonderful holiday traditions that keep the cost of Christmas from breaking the bank?


  1. Stockings are fun. The white elephant thing was fun last year, I need to laugh!

  2. Jimmy was such a cute "fat boy".

  3. Nope. We break the bank every year!!

    Gingerbread houses cost quite a bit of $$! So that's not a good one at all but the kids do love to make 'em.

    Oh... you know, this will probably sound stupid - but we only allow our kids to watch Christmas movies between Thanksgiving and New Years and they really look forward to watching them each year! I suppose you might call that a tradition... They especially love It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol (we have a collection of those!).

    My kids liked it when we did a scavenger hunt for their BIG present... I'd make up clues and with each clue they would get a piece of candy and at the end of the trail they would find their big present. I did get a little tired of thinking up clues and so I kinda let that tradition die... Oh what a pathetic mother I am...

    Guess I'm not the 'tradition' type. *sigh*


  4. Love the pic. Jack and I set a limit on what we have to spend and make the most of it. of course there is only he and I for Christmas. oh and Katie-Bug too!

  5. I love the new perspective each person has on what makes the holiday special. We have kept many of your family traditions in our celebration too, popcorn and hot chocolate, stockings filled whith who knows what (candy in the toes), packages from the Grinch and Frosty, and of course, the Jackon Five singing their Christmas album in the background.

    Wish you could be here.
