Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Something in the Air

Either there is something sleepy in the air or people just feel really relaxed at my house. This is how I found Bethany when I came back from picking Joe up at work last night.


  1. seems to me that your house is a house of peace........ what a great haven and heven to have!
    I think Tracy and I should come for a visit.

  2. lm1-Just be sure to bring your pillow and a blanket because you may become VERY sleeeepy.

    I will be sure and have my coffee before coming on Thanksgiving so I don't fall right to sleep upon arriving. Maybe it would be good if we added a little coffee or mocha to our desserts.

  3. lm1, you and Tracy are welcome any time. I'll try and have a comfy spot available incase you should begin to feel drowsy.

    For those who want to stay awake, we'll try to have something caffinated available.

    Rach, we'll put the coffee on for sure, but I'm sure we'll still catch somebody snoozing.

  4. this is too funny!!

  5. Actually...I'm getting suspicious. Maybe she drugs people when they visit!

  6. Oh my - another sleepy post!!

  7. Here's my disclaimer- You all must remember that both Priscilla and Bethany drove to my house and arrived very sleepy. I just happen to have a good place to sleep once you get here. (I'm thinking the cold, gray weather has more to do with it than anything.)

  8. I dunno Martha... you'd had an awful lot of sleepy posts this month! Just a quick refresher...

    Sleepy Days - Nov 2
    Still Sleepy - Nov 8
    No Time to Sleep Today - Nov 9
    (Okay, so you were actually AWAKE in that one!)
    A Sleepy Sunday (and Monday too!) - Nov 13 (In that one there were 4 people zonked out on your couches and even the cat was asleep!)
    A cup of Coffee? - Nov 13
    Something in the Air - Nov 21

    There's an aweful lot of sleeping going on over at your house. Priscilla just might be on to something...

  9. I have to add, I think the only time I've ever laid down at Martha's house was when someone had wound up the tire swing out back, and I was stupid enough to stay on it while it spun. I didn't think it would ever stop, and I was SICK. Just thinking about it makes me sick all over again.

  10. I had to drink some coffee just to come and read the page! :o)

  11. I think Kearsyn and I need to pay a visit to your house. Maybe she would actually sleep at night. Cute pic!
