The barren treetops and matchstick telephone poles were graced with afternoon sunlight and bits of blue dotted the gray and white cloud filled sky. It was 4 o'clock and I was on my way home from Webster. My camera had decided to stay home on this beautiful day, so I took pictures with my mind instead. The blue hour
Betsy spoke of settled in as I got our supper into the oven and washed the day's dirty dishes...
I was pleasantly surprised to find my day full. A phone call brought me downstairs at 7:10 am. It was my sister Priscilla who had arrived at her high school librarian job to find last night's wind had knocked out the power to the high school. Since the school is in the neighboring town, she came over and we enjoyed some early morning conversation and coffee. Too bad I didn't have any bagels and cream cheese.
At 9:20 am Priscilla headed toward Webster to do some shopping and I headed off to find my little granddaughter who has been fighting an infection this week. Aubs needed some help getting to the doctor's office while her mommy did her weekly cleaning jobs and Daddy stayed with the boys. My little sweetheart met her new pediatrician for the very first time. I had assured her Dr. H. was very nice and I think Aubrey agreed. I returned her to her daddy after we picked up a bottle of pink medicine at the pharmacy.
My own house was quiet, and the Naughties well behaved, when I sat down at the computer. I checked the blog, my email, and took a look at Facebook. I watched a video posted by a friend... (
this video)... and promptly decided to go out and fill a shoe box for
Operation Christmas Child. I wandered about in KMart for an hour or so picking items and hoping I could get everything in the box I'd found in my closet but left in the car.
A little while later I was wandering the aisles of Wegmans, buying a few staple items and pie crust necessities, when my cell phone rang. It was Hannah wondering if I might still be in Webster. She was hoping for a visit and it was still early afternoon. She helped me deflate the soccer ball I'd purchased to put in my shoe box and then, rather than doing the dishes, we decided to take a walk around the block. Twice. 1.6 miles. It was a nice walk, one I should do more often.
Now I am home again. The meatloaf I mixed up is bubbling over into the bottom of my oven and the house is smelling like dinner. I cheated and made a dish of boxed scalloped potatoes, but my broccoli is fresh instead of frozen.