Friday, May 15, 2015

No Soap!

So, what can I tell you about today?

I started the day helping my resident friends get washed up and out of bed for the day. I had a fight with a catheter connection. That was fun... And I helped a most obstinate madam with a shower she didn't wish to take. "No soap!" she insisted, even though we had finally managed to find her bar of Camay. When we got to the shower room she continued to kick up a fuss. I took it pretty much in stride. "This is the last shower I'm ever taking!" she warned, to which I replied, "Well, if this is going to be your last shower, then I think we had better use soap." She was not impressed.

Back in her room she moaned and carried on as I helped her into her clothes. I couldn't make her happy. Finally, as I worked her feet through the legs of her pants, I looked at her and said, "You know, if you would be nice to people, they would be a lot nicer to you."

"I don't want them to be nice to me!" she growled.

"Well, I think you do," I said, "I know I want people to be nice to me."

And that was the end of it until she was later heard by my friend (who was visiting her mother in law) complaining about me down at the hairdresser. Apparently I didn't listen to anything! Ah well, at least she was clean. :0)


  1. Oh my what a story. I can so picture that battle. You are doing a great job...and I'm sure somebody is noticing.

    Thanks for the story....I anxious to hear more of them.

    1. The two CNA's who had suggested I help with her shower later said they felt bad because she'd given me such a hard time, but it really hadn't shaken me. I was more amused than anything.

  2. The workers at the home where Elizabeth is, say she is so cooperative...that doesn't surprise me.

    1. So was my mo. She didn't appreciate having to go all the way upstairs for her shower, but she wasn't mean or cantankerous.

      Elizabeth seems like a real sweetheart.

  3. I'm glad you could take it in stride. I'm not sure that I could.

    1. Other incidents I have not taken in stride so well, but this one wasn't too difficult.

  4. I like your responses to her. :)

    1. I didn't have any interactions with her today. I think she hates me.

    2. Just smile and say, "Hi, (whatever her name is)". People like that. It won't take her long to think you're pretty nice after all, and before you know it, she'll miss you when you're not there.

  5. You have the right attitude Martha. You just cannot take anything personally with some of these residents. I had one lady snap at me when I asked her if she would like me to read to her She snapped "no I wouldn't. Just get out of here". Usually she is so happy to have me read to her. Her family have books there - mostly Little House on the Prairie books and she loves those stories, Anyway I just told her that was OK and gave her a little hug and left. She was happy the next time. She must have had a headache or something. Keep up the good work :-)

    Marilyn from Canada

    1. I only wish my stamina would increase along with having a positive attitude. I come home utterly exhausted and understand completely why so many nurses and CNA's go per diem.

      I think being a volunteer would be wonderful.

  6. Oh gosh...I'm glad you found the humor in it. You just have to laugh sometimes. Love your responses to her....

    1. Sometimes I find incidents amusing, and sometimes I find them heartbreaking. When nothing is amiss and the resident is known to be cranky, but not threatening, I can go away and laugh, other times I want to go away and cry.

      I helped her into the bathroom yesterday and she was "pretty" good. She did berate me once and I simply thanked her for reminding me of something I forgot. (Now I forget what it was that I forgot too.)
