Friday, December 07, 2012

The Countdown

It is entirely too pre- dictable. First I wait until December to think about Christmas, then the few weekends available fill up and I find there really is very little time to pull it all together. We have a little over two weeks. Tomorrow I will be going to a Christmas party at my brother's residence. Tim is severely autistic and lives in a group home about a half hour from my house. The party is at 1 pm.

Next weekend we will be attending the birthday party of a very special soon to be four year old. This party is also on a Saturday. This time at noon. It is a good thing most of my gift giving is of the homemade variety. It is also a good thing I married one of Santa's elves. Together I think we can pull this off without any major trips to the mall. At least I hope so.


  1. I'm further ahead on my baking than I've ever been. Since I can't afford gifts for the adult children, I make "Goodie Baskets" I've got two different kinds of cookies in the freezer, my pumpkin bread, and today made the fruitcake. Banana bread tomorrow and then my mom's English Toffee. Yeah. The grandkids love to go to the movies, so they get movie passes. The great grandsons...Toys! There I'm done!

    1. That just about how our gift giving is going to go too. Perhaps I should check and see just how much room I have in my freezer.

  2. Sounds tasty! Especially since very little cookie making will be done at my house. :9
