Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Little Brother!

When James and I got married 27 years ago, I inherited something I'd never had before, a little brother! I used to be amused by the fact that Darius would follow his older brother around copying everything he did. If James jumped over a log, Darius jumped over a log. If James spit on the ground, Darius spit on the ground. Darius was almost nine back in 1981 and today is his 36th birthday. So today I want to wish him a Happy Birthday and tell him I miss him. Through the years we have not been able to see each other often but I have always enjoyed the time we do spend together. I am greatful for the family reunions that have given me a chance to know my husband's family just a little bit better. I love to watch, listen, and laugh as my husband and his brother tell childhood stories. Each time they are embellished a little more until I can't tell truth from fiction but they are always funny. Hmmm... maybe I really do need to take a trip to the Pacific northwest.


  1. Happy Birthday, Darius! I think the last time I saw you, you were a teenager going to Young Life camp.

  2. That is pretty cool that you got to watch him grow up. I have to agree with you that it was nice to gain a little brother in the whole marriage deal;) Happy Birthday Darius!

  3. Will he read this??
    Just in case;;;; Happy Birthday Darius!
    glad you got a little brother.

  4. Oh, and I will take ANY excuse to get you to come this way!!

  5. Happy Birthday from me, too!

  6. Where in the Pacific Northwest does he live?

  7. Quite a distance from you, I am sure. He actually lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. He has decided to be Canadian.
