Monday, August 18, 2008

A Berry Nice Monday

I have determined to stay busy, but not too busy for a friend or two to stop by for a walk in the orchard. This morning I was honored by a visit from Gudl and her friend, Heidi, from Germany. They were on their way to see Lake Ontario and came by to say hello. We walked through the backyard toward the orchard and at the corner of our property found a wonderful patch of blackberries. From the hill we saw the lake and, of course, plenty of apple trees. They soon headed off to the beach to soak up the sun on this beautiful day.

After lunch, in the heat of the day, I returned to the blackberry vines with my little white berry basket and began to pick. I quickly learned that blackberry vines are quite vicious. I did manage to fill my basket, but not before being stuck by a myriad of tiny thorns. Blackberry picking is not for the fainthearted but rather those whose determination urges them on. I was determined this afternoon to fill my basket with the sweet dark fruits. I cried out in pain only a few times, dropped not too many berries, and bled only a little. Every once in a while I would have to stop and use my teeth to pull a sticker out of my finger. I don't think it possible to pick berries with gloves on, so if I am going to have blackberry pie or jam, I must endure the pain. (There's an analogy in there somewhere, but I won't be going into that right now.)


  1. yum! I haven't gone out picking yet this year, we get David tomorrow so Wed. sounds like a great day to pick. Extra hands make the job go faster. :)

  2. Blackberries here in Brasil are "Amoras".
    Beautiful this photo.
    Choice about 10 of them and make a dilicious sauce for the salads, joining lemon, olive oil and salt.
    I like it.

  3. You are right. The thorns are so sharp! But, the berries are soooo good. I'm glad you got to pick quite a few and had a nice visit with Gudl!!

  4. yummy. Those look really good! it's too bad we don't have any berry bushes.

  5. You got a visit from Gudl and her friend.... and I got to see Angela and Darlene this weekend when we went up North.

    Love the picture of you girls walking....wish I could have joined you.

    I love berry cobbler....

  6. You are a good housewife! I am sure the jam or pie will be delicious!
    It was great seeing you on your land. It is beautiful up there! Thanks for showing us around. We were impressed and like it all a lot. We had a great day at Lake Ontario!

  7. I LOVE blackberries! I bought some at Wegmans last week. They're not cheap!

  8. Not one person commented on how they were holding holds... I wonder how many people noticed? And you got a visitor from Brasil!

  9. Well, they weren't holding hands. You are just imagining things.
