Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ain't That Funny?

We are having fun with Josh this evening. His mom and Dad went out on a date. As you can see from the video, he is having fun too.
I am looking forward to next summer when we will have two little grandsons to love. Leta felt her baby move for the first time on Monday (Dave did too!) and today she had her 20 week ultrasound. It's a boy!


  1. that is cute. i kept on thinking that he was going to hit his head on the dawer behind him though.

  2. I had to watch it 3 times because it was so cute!! These videos are so fun to watch when they are grown up too.

    I am so excited for Dave and Leta (and for Josh to have a little boy cousin his age to run around with)! I can't believe she's already half way!

  3. Oh, you lucky Gramma....he is are the good kind of Gramma, the kind who reads stories and plays with the little ones....I am going to be like mom was like that...even though she had 46 when she died (there are 48 now), she remembered all their birthdays, and what they liked, and spent as much time with them as she could...and when asked if she had a favorite, she said, "Yes, whichever one I'm with.."

  4. He seams to be easily entertained.

  5. Allen- Most babies are easily entertained. That's part of what makes their hard laughter so cute!

  6. Aw, yeah!!! Two little boys to love!! That is so exciting. Leta is halfway there! (I didn't watch the video, yet, so I guess I will go back and watch it. I just got so excited about the baby news)

  7. Oh, that is hysterical! Aunt Hannah is very, very funny.

  8. That looks like a fun game! Very cute. Congratulations on the second grandson on the way. I just caught up on some of your recent posts, Martha. It sounds like you are having a great summer.

  9. How did miss this post?? This is so exciting, we got to follow Bethany's and now Leta's pregnancy.
    To say nothing of yor excitement!

  10. It's great that Josh will have a little buddy!
