Here we go.
I'm a little on the sleepy side of things today so I'll be back to answer my own questions later.
1. If you could write a message to your younger self, what would you say?
2. Do you still possess any toys from your childhood? If so, what are they?
3. Are you good at coming up with questions to ask your friends? If so, would you be willing to share a few for future 3rd Thursdays?
1. Study harder, focus on boys less, enjoy being young, save your money, read more!
ReplyDelete2. Yes! I have my first stuffed animal, a sad looking puppy. I also have 2 Barbies in their boxes from the year I graduated (2000).
3. Nope, I'm not good at small talk. But here's a few...https://blog.udemy.com/thought-provoking-questions/
Good advice.
DeleteI recall that dog. Funny thing is someone gave Jim one exactly like it. I don't think his is still around but you never know.
I will have to look up the website when I am on an actual computer. I don't know how on this Nook.
1. Have boundaries and guard them diligently, don't let go of your dreams, finish school, and hold on tight.
ReplyDelete2. I have several childhood toys, probably too many to name. They include vintage Fisher Price, dolls, stuffed animals, and wooden puzzles. I still have the Eeyore someone threatened to confiscate if I didn't keep my room clean.
3. I could always use help with questions to post.
1. Stand up for yourself. Don't worry so much...He has it all under control. It's all going to be OK.
ReplyDelete2. I have 2 dolls. One larger-one smaller. Not in very good shape tho.
3. What was the favorite food your Mama made for you growing up? When your mind wanders, where does it go? (past, present or future) Where is your favorite quiet place?
Welcome, Bobbie.
That is good advice also. Sometimes it's still hard to remember that God has it all under control.
My dolls and stuffed animals are loved to the point of being "real," kind of live the Velvateen Rabbit.
Thank you for the questions.
1. That's a toughie for me to answer on here.
ReplyDelete2. No, but I have my dolly that I got as a Christmas gift when I was 3. She's sitting on my dresser near my perfumes. :)
3. I'm not good at questions...
There must be something to say, even if it's "Keep your chin up."
DeleteYour dolly is still beautiful all these years later. Mine is missing half a hand and several toes thanks to a naughty puppy over 40 years ago.
1. Life isn't always fair. It will hurt at times....but don't worry. It's all going to be alright in the end. This is all temporary. Don't get too hung up on it. The real purpose of your life is to learn to trust the Lord with all your heart and to put him absolutely first. You'll have to go through some painful stuff in order to learn this...but you'll make it.
ReplyDelete2. A stuffed dog named Theodore.
3. I'm not good at coming up with these sorts of things on my own, but that is what research is for! Here are a few interesting ones I found with a quick Google search.
Painful stuff. Yeah.
DeleteSweet Theodore. He's been there forever.
I will look up that webpage too. Thank you.
1. Think before you say or do anything! Is it something you might later wish you hadn't said or done? And, trust God--he loves you enough to work everything out.
ReplyDelete2. Yes. The ones that come to mind immediately are a Barbie doll and a Tammy doll with all the clothes my mom made for them, a doll size dresser, and the teddy bear my grandmother gave to me. There could be others--games for sure.
3. Pets--yes or no? Favorite season? Favorite pie? How/when did you learn to cook? What's a memory you have from grade school?
"Think before you speak." So hard to remember in the heat of the moment.
DeleteGood ideas for questions. Thanks for being here sometimes.