Friday, June 20, 2008

Twenty-Seven and Counting

Happy Anniversary to my best friend.
We've been through ups and downs, good times and bad, sunshine and rain. Through it all God has been with us, leading and guiding us, providing for our needs, keeping us together when we wanted to throw in the towel, and bringing us through to the other side.
Twenty-seven years sounds like a long time in so many ways and yet feels so short in others. Wasn't it just yesterday I fell on your lap when we played hide and seek in the cornfield? Wasn't it just yesterday we hid beneath the weeping willow and watched your Uncle Carmen ride past on a bicycle looking for you? Wasn't it just yesterday that our first beautiful baby was born, and then the second, and third and... ? Wasn't it just yesterday that we bought our first car? That we moved into our first apartment and then house? Somewhere along the way we must have grown up. I don't recall when or where it happened. I guess I was so busy enjoying the journey with you that I didn't notice.


  1. Happy anniversary Mom and Dad!

  2. Happy Anniversary! It does seem like such a short time ago, doesn't it. It's so amazing...27 yrs! Congratulations you guys!! What a wonderful family you have together.

  3. That is sweet! Happy anniversary!

  4. What a sweet couple. Happy Anniversary!

  5. Martha, what a beautiful piece of writing ~~~ and Happy Anniversary.

  6. Oh, that brought tears to my eyes! Happy anniversary from me, too.
    You two looked so nice back then, so young...yeah, time sure does fly.
    May God continue to bless you.

  7. Happy anniversary! You were married the same day and year as my sister, and you both have 7 children... the other night, my sister asked her husband if he remembered what tommorrow was...he answered, "Garbage day?" oops, wrong answer! But she just laughed, at least he remembered garbage day! But he will never live it down, and each year I'll wish them Happy Garbage Day....And the sweater you have on in the picture? I remember those, I had one just like it...

  8. :D, you are so cute, James is so handsome. I know what you mean, growing up together. Good Job, and God bess you both.

  9. Had to stop in to say Happy Anniversary! My husband and I have also been married 27 years on the 20th, and we have 7 girls, as my sister noted above, I see.. I think it's gone by pretty fast! God has blessed us, hasn't he? He knew which person was right for us! Before we even knew it! Take care, and I'm sure you (and we) will have many more together!

  10. Oh, this is an adorable picture! Happy Anniversary, even if I am a little bit late!
