I woke up with a stabbing pain in my right shoulder blade yesterday morning. I had a sneaking suspicion it might be related to my slightly achy eyes and sometimes stinky sinuses... but I had fallen asleep in my recliner a couple of times while listening to an audio book... I took some decongestant and vacillated over whether or not to call my favorite chiropractor. I shot him a text message. "Are you in the office this afternoon?" I asked.
His answer, "Indeed I am!" I told him I would call the front desk and proceeded to make an appointment (which I actually made with him instead through text because the front desk was "busy assisting other patients.")Upon my arrival he asked how I had come to be in pain. "I fell asleep in my recliner a couple of times," I told him, "but I also think it might have to do with my sinuses."
"That could be," he answered, and I discovered that shoulder blade pain and blocked sinuses could actually be related. I have long suspected so and was relieved to know that it is not just my imagination. I left the office with a scratchy throat and my sinuses have been draining ever since. (Too much information perhaps.) Honestly, I am grateful. I feel so much better.
Anyway, we're into March, The Home Stretch when it comes to winter. We can expect one more big storm in winter's attempt to hold on, but it won't last. Spring is just around the corner.
(I have to tie my hair up for work. Sometimes I check to see what it looks like back there.)