Friday, February 28, 2025

Family Time

Monday, February 24, 2025

It was a whirlwind weekend. Jim flew into town on Friday afternoon to join the family in watching Grandmanita's Celebration of Life in Halifax via Zoom on Saturday afternoon. On Friday my kids gathered here and we cooked breakfast for dinner, or "brinner" as Hannah calls it. We had French toast, sausage and bacon, hash brown patties, and fruit salad. 

We had an easy time connecting to the Celebration of Life but the sound did not come through loud and clear. Computer programs are designed to filter "background noise" and they can get confused as to what should be filtered. The closer the mike was held to a mouth, the better we could hear. It was pretty amazing to see family scattered across the two countries.

Jim asked on Friday evening if he could go to church with me on Sunday. I picked him up yesterday morning on my way into the city. It felt amazing to have him there with me. It's been a long time since any of my kids sat with me through a regular church service. We stopped at an Italian bakery (Leo's) on the way home and the family gathered again mid afternoon for some chili and a final evening together. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

James's oldest sister was in town for a week. I saw here briefly on Saturday afternoon when I went over to Bethany's house a couple hours after the Celebration of Life. She was sitting a table in the kitchen where a game of Scrabble was being played. I said hello, she answered, and then leaned over and whispered  in my son Dave's ear asking him to take her around the corner to a cousin's house. She hugged the family, said her goodbyes without looking at or addressing me, and went out the door. This is divorce. I hadn't seen her since Jim and Michele were married in 2013. She made no attempt to see Hannah while she was in town, much, I think, to Hannah's relief. 

Our world feels turned upside down lately. My country feels strange and scary... a large portion of the church feels cold and callous... I no longer recognize people I have known for years... I fear for friends and neighbors... and my children and grandchildren... I am ashamed of our leadership... In another week or so we will welcome a new little life into our home. We will wrap him in our arms and pray for his safety and success. We will love him and teach him to love others, especially the least of them.



  1. ...I like "brinner" too. A divorce can be painful in so many ways. John Pavlovitz has a wonderful essay about the present situation of our country, I will post it tomorrow at noon. Martha, take care and be well.

    1. "Brinner" is fabulous every once in a while.
      I'll look for the essay tomorrow. Thanks!

  2. Brinner, love it! I cannot believe his sister did that to you. Harrumph. Not nice. But super congratulations on that new baby coming! My daughter Kathryn is having a baby soon too, due on the 10th I think. What blessings. :)
