Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Today Was Better

 It was a better day. I didn't feel quite so emotional. Not so prone to tears as yesterday...

You know, some days hopelessness sets in and throws my heart and mind into despair. Yesterday was such a day. Something triggered that helpless, lonely feeling and the tears fell. The tears that God collects in His bottle. Today I took a chance and reached out to a friend who, true to form, sent back words of encouragement. A verbal hug of sorts, because we were too far away for the real thing, which is what I desperately needed yesterday. God is good.

Life is weird and truth is stranger than fiction. Kind of knocks me out of my rocker on occasion. (Yes, as a matter of fact, this grandma is totally off her rocker. Heck. I don't even know where my rocker is!)

Two of my little friends. She sits on her butt all day, hasn't even tried to crawl, and he is on a mission to explore every inch of the baby room, even if he has to crawl over her to get there. Ha ha!


  1. (((hugs)))
    God knew what you needed and allowed you to work through it.
    Love these 2 little sweethearts and their story.

  2. Life is stranger than fiction sometimes. I'm glad you got the "hug" you needed. Cheryl and I need to visit you sometime. I'm sending you a hug from me, right now, a hug that says that the very hairs of your head are numbered, and that He will never leave you or forsake you. Love you, Martha.

    1. Thank you, my sweet friend. I love you too!

  3. Just read this tonight, a quote from Sharon Jaynes book, "When You Don't Like Your Story"

    "There is more to be written, and God is even now dipping His pen into the inkwell of wholeness, writing your story and mine into His larger story. God turns broken stories into beautiful prose and unwanted pages into stunning narratives of victory. That’s not just a promise; it’s a bedrock truth—one I know from personal experience."

    I've been doing a puzzle and would love to have you visit, but I know you work until 6:00 and have a new grandbaby to snuggle, so I haven't called. Sorry. I love you.❤️

    1. Thank you for the excerpt.
      I would be honored to work a puzzle with you. And I love you too.
      (I don't know how to make a pretty red heart here.)
