Tuesday, November 03, 2020

What Moms Do

 I spent a several hours taking in the a rare sunshine filled day walking the woods once again this past weekend. I was planning on the emotional floodgates bursting open, but the woods is too therapeutic for that. Once enveloped by the trees, all negative emotion dissipates and I am lost in the wonder of creation and capturing it's beauty.

I went from the woods to the lake shore and gathered another pocketful of beach glass. The wind was cold and biting. Even so quite a few people came and went while I picked through stones along the water's edge. The angle of the sun was perfect for finding brown and amber pieces, although I picked up plenty of green and clear too. I met Kelly, also there to look for glass. When my pocket was bulging with treasures, I decided to head for home.

As I drove toward home, my phone began to ring and I pulled over to answer it. On the other end was my daughter, struggling with a severe pain in her tummy. She felt the need to see a doctor and couldn't get a hold of her husband whose phone was dead, so I went to stay with the kids and took pictures of Henry. They eventually sent her home without any definite diagnosis, and not many tests. Today she had was back, at a different hospital, and this time they took her symptoms serious. She's still there.


Tomorrow I will get up early, shower, dress, and get ready for my day, but I will not go to work. Instead I am going to stay with my grandchildren. This is what moms do.


  1. Oh wow, I sure hope things are okay. I pray that the Dr. can find out what the problem is and can take care of it.
    Glad you are close enough to take care of Henry too..sorry about missing work but this is by far more important.

    1. We know what it is. I just didn’t want to make it public before she did. Appendicitis is nothing to mess around with. 🙁

  2. Oh dear, I'm glad she took it seriously and got help! One of my girls has had acute pancreatitis, back when her little one was newborn, so she had her gallbladder removed. She has had bouts of intermittent horrific pain since then, one so bad she went to the ER a few weeks ago and left me with the 7 week old and the 2 year old...her liver function numbers were WAY high, she's seeing a specialist this week. We're hoping it's like stones blocking ducts that can be removed...and I agree that it's nice to be a mom when you're needed, a grandma to grandchildren who need watching. It's a blessing to be able to help! Prayers for your daughter!

    1. Sometimes being a mom is really hard. Being a mom of many, and mine probably seem just a few to you, is especially hard. One or another is always struggling. Praying for your sweet girl too.
      Love you, Della.
