Monday, March 02, 2015


Rachel and I planned to see our brother Tim last week, but our plans were thwarted by a Sunday afternoon call from the local hospital looking for consent to treat him. More mysteries... He had a fever and was lethargic, and so began the attempt to find the cause of this new ailment. After admitting him for "dehydration" (this guy drinks like a camel...) and running blood and urine tests, it was eventually determined that he had a urinary tract infection. (Both the blood test and urine tests came back positive.) As of this past Friday he was in need of 10 days of IV antibiotics and today, since the DDS residence doesn't administer IV's, he will be transferred to a local nursing facility for the remainder of that time.

I've been asked for consent to treat. I've been asked if I am his health care proxy, and I've been asked whether or not I am POA. I know I can give consent for treatment, as can my sisters, but have no clue as to whether anyone has ever been or is now a health proxy, and I have never signed papers (that I can recall) to be POA. And just what would I be POA over? He doesn't have any money...

The good thing is that the nursing facility is just 10-15 minutes from my home. Rachel and I can slip over to see him any time this week, and even if we don't take him out for a ride, we can still take him a treat of some kind. Maybe we can even bake him some cookies.

The photos are from old slides. My brothers were just little boys and there were no little sisters. Tim is on the left (blond with blue eyes) and Dan is on the right (with darker hair and big brown eyes).


  1. In 2012 I became all those legal things for my boys. Doesn't he get SSI? That's mainly what I'm POA take care of their bank accounts.

    I'm so glad he's so close to you! Hope he feels better, soon. 10 days on an IV is a long time. He'll appreciate any visits and treats, I'm sure! Poor guy..I bet he was feeling terrible. The old photos sure are cute. I could tell which was him immediately!

    1. He is a ward of the state so if he has SSI it probably goes right back to them. (I'm guessing as I really have no clue at all.) He does get an allowance of some kind...

      Yes, I'd imagine he was feeling pretty awful. We could have visited him in the hospital if we'd known he'd be there for a full week, but communication is tricky.

    2. Yes, that must be it. My boys are wards of me. there is the difference. I'm sure it goes right back to them..pays for the home where he lives, etc.

  2. I hope he gets better real soon, as I know he loves your visits. I guess I'm from the old school that thinks everything is better with cookies.
    Love you and love how you care for your brother.

    1. Everything IS better with cookies, Wanda.

  3. Oh dear...he must be scared...
    I am sure he would love to see his sisters...
    And cookies!
    Yor Mom looks like a young girl in that pic!
    How are you doing?
    Long time no hear!
    Linda :o)

    1. He always loves to see food!
      Mom was a young girl in that picture. I'm guessing she was about 26 or so.
      I am doing okay. The headache was gone today and I didn't need any ibuprofen.
