Saturday, February 23, 2008


"He puzzled three hours till his puzzler was sore, Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before..."

Today is a beautiful sunny Saturday. I am lying low and trying to stay in out of the winter-like temperatures. Earlier in the week my throat was feeling a little sore and scratchy. Yesterday it turned into a full blown cold. I have a big box of tissues, a pot of orange tea, and a lovely puzzle to keep me occupied. My favorite puzzles are the Charles Wysocki and Hometown Collection puzzles. They have 1000 pieces but can be done in a reasonable amount of time. I don't see any point in puzzles that are impossible or next to it. I enjoy putting the pieces together and finishing the picture within a day or two. Hannah is a great puzzle maker. She helps me out when I mess up and get the pieces together wrong, which is fairly often. My other kids and husband help too and I rarely ever finish a puzzle alone. I'm thinking of shipping this one off to Priscilla when I'm done.
How about you? Are you a puzzler or are they just too puzzling for you?


  1. I'm only an online puzzler. I don't own any puzzles. I thought it was very clever of you to make a puzzle with a picture of a puzzle.. :o)

  2. I had some puzzles when we lived in NY, but I think I got rid of them when we moved. I was just thinking the other day that I am in the mood to do a puzzle. Maybe next time I'm out....

    Hope your cold is getting better!

  3. I'm looking forward to doing this puzzle next.

  4. I'm a wantabe puzzler! I need to get with it, cause I have several grandkids who love it. So I better buy a few puzzles before I move.
    Love the picture on the box.!!

  5. I am NOT a puzzler!!
    I will do it, if it is a family thing, but otherwise I am close to a puzzle hater (oh, sorry)

    I will not puzzle on facebook either. sorry friends!!

  6. We love puzzles. Carl and I just finished a 1500 piece one of a lighthouse and ocean. Took over a week to complete, it was a toughy.
    We also like ones you can finish in a day or tew. ah two. I need to go drink my coffee.

  7. I just knew there would be a puzzle hater out there somewhere. Congratulations, Gudl! (if they were all "completely impossible" I'd be with you!)

  8. PS Contrary to what Mom thinks, looking at the box does not equal cheating.

  9. Gudl, you are too funny. I can not think of you as a hater of anything. You are always so positive. This is a whole other side of you;)

  10. You know I'm a puzzler! We did a 1000 piece puzzle that was shaped like a frog, in Florida. It was fun to work on at night when we were winding down.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  11. I hope you still love me....


  12. I love puzzles too but it has been years since I have done one. I don't like to look at the picture on the box though. I have some pretty difficult ones but it feels like such an accomplishment when I complete one.

  13. I love to puzzle too! My all time favorite puzzles are made by Springbok. They have the neatest shapes and are so durable.

  14. I don't believe in looking at the box.
