Friday, February 08, 2008

He Ain't Heavy?

Troy loves Josh. At least that's what he says. He likes to look at him, touch him, and hold him. Troy looks just about buried in baby when Josh is on his lap, but holding is a good way for a little boy to make friends with a baby. Now that Josh can smile and coo, he is much more fun, even for me.
He comes to visit once or twice a week so Bethany can help out at the restaurant and so he can get to know his grandparents, aunt, and uncles. He's a good boy and only hollers if his diaper is dirty, he's hungry, or tired, or he wants to be held... He'll be here soon cause its busy at the resaturant during candy seasons.


  1. What big boy he's getting to be! and Troy sure looks worried about him in that second pic. How cute!

  2. Those pictures are adorable! Josh look gigantic sitting/laying/? on Troy;)

  3. humm... LOL! so frown lines means you like someone.

  4. Martha,

    I've been enoying your blog, after reading all your comments it FINALLY dawned on me, why haven't I been reading Martha's blog? The wheels are moving quite slow these days. The boys are so cute! That is one adorable grandson, good job :).


  5. Why thank you, Sherri. And at least the wheels ARE moving. That is a good thing.

  6. Troy is so cute with Josh. I loved seeing Troy lean his head affectionately into the car seat at lunch the other day. I think it's sweet.

  7. What precious pictures of those precious boys.

    Your title reminded me of Boys Town, "He ain't heavy, he's my brother!"
