Monday, August 19, 2024

Back to the Blog

"I'm processing," I told her. She'd walked into the room where I was sitting on the edge of the couch folding laundry, two silent tears rolling down my face... Sometimes I process by writing. Sometimes the processor is set to "whir" and that is all it can do.

It rained all day, a continual, misty rain that managed to drench everything. Hannah worked four hours this afternoon, Sergio left to move a piece of company equipment and came home again, and I felt strangely unanchored and out of sorts. I went down to the lake for a minute. (The tree and a 15 year old girl were struck by lightening on Saturday afternoon. Thanks to the quick thinking of others present, she was given CPR and survived. I hope the tree does too.)

I've gotten a pretty decent suntan this summer. Even my legs are slightly tanned. That's saying a lot since they haven't seen much sunlight since I was about 8 years old. After 9 years of spending way too much time inside, I took full advantage of my chance at a summer. I only wish camping had been part of the package. I miss camping.

The Presidential race is picking up steam. It is fascinating in many ways, and oh so ugly in others. I have so many thoughts that I won't share here... LOL!


  1. ...yes, it rained and was cool, but my garden is happy and that makes me happy too.
