Monday, October 14, 2024

Bits and Pieces

 * I started my new job at Dunkin on Thursday morning and watched several training videos while waiting for the manager. some multiple times. I figured it could only be beneficial to watch the food videos over and over. I went home tired on Thursday and exhausted on Friday. Took a nap both days. 

* I hit a tree on my way to work Saturday morning. It must have been a windy night because it was laying across at least half of the access road along Rt 104. I saw it in time to swerve but not to miss it altogether. It scrubbed up my hood and smacked my passenger side mirror against the side window. It's not every day I drive through the uppermost branches of a tree... Thankfully, it appears that the damage is limited to the mirror.

* Saturday afternoon was bright and sunny. I shot my sister Rachel a text. "Have you been on your afternoon walk yet?" I asked. "Nope." she replied, "Where are we going?" After picking her up at her house, we drove down toward Lake Rd and took a walk through the woods at 4 Mile Creek. By the time we returned my body felt as tired and achy as it had on Friday afternoon after work, but my mind was satisfied that I had been outside.

* Yesterday was not quite the sunny autumn day we had hoped for, but I met my son Dave and his family just the same and rode with them out to the Rochester Folk Art Guild in Middlesex, NY. It was gray, overcast, and rainy but we enjoyed looking through the studios and talking to the artists. 

The wood working shop was incredible and filled with all kinds of familiar looking tools. There were toys, puzzles, turned vessels and wooden tools.

In another building we all (my son, my daughter in law, and three teenage grandchildren)  sat around a table and decorated cards. Each one was provided a card and the table was covered with all manner of paper with which to decorate it. There were hole punches, scissors, markers, glue sticks, and all kinds of decorative paper. The artists were totally impressed by Simon and Lucas who thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

We visited the weaving studio filled with beautifully colored woolen clothes, several looms, and a rainbow of endless spools of colored yarn. 

Leta saved the pottery studio for last. There was an abundance of beautiful sculptures, cups, bowls, vases and jars. At a small table a visitor was using a small ball of clay to sculpt. I took a tiny ball of the clay and found it to be wonderfully sticky and pliable. The potters in the shop shared the recipe for the clay... I am hoping to find someone who could help me mix a batch.

* Mondays are now part of my weekend and so this morning I slept in, met with my therapist online, and then while the sun was shining, I took a ride to fill my gas tank, pick up a pair of over the counter readers, and buy a bag of gingersnaps for my grandsons to dip in my coffee. It's dark and gloomy again and I feel like curling up under a blanket for a little bit of a nap, although it's probably a little late in the day for that.

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