It has been a sleepy week. I think I am drinking too much coffee because something is sucking up all of my energy (and giving me a headache). I know that I should give up the caffeine, but it is so nice to sit down and relax with a hot cup of French vanilla cappuccino, that I'm not sure I really want to give it up. Trading it in for a cup of ice water would definitely be more healthy, but certainly not as cozy.
This week I started reading through the book of Job. I have never found it to be an interesting book but this time I am finding it fascinating. Where it was all confusing to me before, it is finally making sense. Last night I didn't want to put it down. "For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God." Job 19:25-26. How amazing that we equate suffering with God's anger when it can be just the opposite. Job was a more Godly man than any of his friends and yet he suffered terribly. His friends just didn't understand and we can be so like them. When people around me are suffering, do I ever stop to think that just maybe they are more godly than I am? Or do I just figure that they must have done something bad and are suffering the consequences. Lord, give me compassion for those around me.
a day to pack...
39 minutes ago
I read the book of Job a couple of years ago...right after my major trial a few years ago...I might have still been in it. Job spoke mightily to me. My favorite verse is Job 23:10. I'll see you for dinner tonight come to think of it!